Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Depression hypothyroidism fuoride etc

Misc. posts from vital vote at

I've gotten a few requests about what exactly I did to get off the meds. I actually thought I was doing all this to deal with candida and inflammatory polyarthritis and being able to get off meds was a pleasant surprise. I was on Cymbalta, Klonopin, Neurontin, Wellbutrin and Buspar at the time I decided to change my life. I had been on various antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs for most of my adult life.

Diet changes included no sugars, no grains, nothing processed, no starchy veggies, no root veggies except garlic and onions, no fruit except occasional berries and granny smith apples, no soy, plenty of good fats. Only dairy is raw milk kefir and occasional sheep's milk cheese. My meat is from a local farm and is largely free range/grass fed. Produce is 99% organic and mostly from a local farm. About the only organic exception is avocados. I did not go to these extremes with produce, pretty much sticking to the EWG guidelines, but I've started reacting to unknowns in many non-organic produce and don't feel safe doing otherwise. I have multiple chemical sensitivity.

Supplements that helped get me off the drugs I attribute mostly to 6 grams of fish oil/day and at least 1 gram of elemental magnesium per day, usually in the form of mag citrate but I also like magnesium malate. About 2 years ago, I posted here on Dr. Mercola's site for help getting off these drugs. The outpouring of support was amazing. Although I couldn't afford many of the things suggested, just people's kindness and caring went very far. If you are on antidepressants, especially SSRIs and SSNRIs, go to

I now also know that know that hypothyroidism, even subclinical is a major factor in depression, so if you are suffering from depression I'd advise getting FREE T3 and FREE T4 tested and getting it interpreted correctly which is near impossible. For more information on hypothyroidism go to

I second what she said about Free T3 and Free T4 levels to detend hypothyroidism, but would recommend avoiding the Website she mentions. That Website thinks there is only one medication that should be used to treat hypo, and the truth is that no one medication is right for everyone.

I wanted to bring up a point about the hypothyroidism that you may or may not be aware of. Fluoride's potential to impair thyroid function is perhaps best illustrated by the fact that -- up until the 1970s -- European doctors used fluoride as a thyroid-suppressing medication for patients with HYPER-thyroidism (over-active thyroid). Fluoride was utilized because it was found to be effective at reducing the activity of the thyroid gland - even at doses as low as 2 mg/day. Today, many people living in fluoridated communities are ingesting doses of fluoride (1.6-6.6 mg/day) that fall within the range of doses (2 to 10 mg/day) once used by doctors to reduce thyroid activity in hyperthyroid patients. While it may be that the thyroid in a patient with hyperthyroidism is particularly susceptible to the anti-thyroid actions of fluoride, there is concern that current fluoride exposures may be playing a role in the widespread incidence of HYPO-thyroidism (under-active thyroid) in the U.S.

Hypothyrodisim, most commonly diagnosed in women over 40, is a serious condition with a diverse range of symptoms including: fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss, muscle pains, increased levels of "bad" cholesterol (LDL), and heart disease.. The drug (Synthroid) used to treat hypothyroidism is now one of the top five prescribed drugs in the U.S. All of this information and more is available at the Fluoride Action Network in the Health effects Database look in the thyroid section or click here:

8 ounces of water fluoridated to 1 ppm has a quarter milligram of the drug fluoride in it drink 1 liter or 32 ounces of water and you have consumed 1 milligram of fluoride. Drink 1 gallon and you have taken a 4 milligram dose of fluoride. <>

I have to agree that proper nutrition is a huge key to resolving depression and also to living well with thyroid issues. In 2002, I had RAI for hyperthyroid and gained a ton of weight. I was put on Synthroid at a dose where my doctor thought my levels were optimal, but I was unable to lose the weight, even with more exercise and good mutrition. I found STTM and discovered that there were alternative meds to Synthoid, about which my endo was totally clueless. I tried one of the alternatives, with the help of a new doctor, and discovered I also had adrenal issues. Now, 6 years later, most of my health issues have been totally resolved, and I am doing very well. I didn't feel that STTM pushed one particular thyroid replacement, only that it told me of alternatives to synthetic meds.

Nobody's mentioned gluten intolerance! I was on Wellbutrin and Celexa for almost 5 years. Terrible brain zaps getting off! I hated it. My dermatologist suggested a blood test for gluten intolerance and I was positive. I am now gluten free and drug and depression free. If I eat something that is cross contaminated with gluten, I get depressed and irritable! Read the side effects of gluten intolerance and depression and irritability is always there. Get off gluten!

I just want to encourage anyone reading this. I got off over 25 years of antidepressants with diet, magnesium and fish oil and am more emotionally stable than at any time in my life.

Depression is also linked to chronic low level inflammation. It is no accident that the supplements mentioned are also anti-inflammatory in nature.

By using Turmeric, Ginger and Krill Oil, I accidentally resolved a life long depression problem brought on by undiagnosed Crohn's Disease.

When you spend some time investigating, you will find most all inflammatory diseases have depression and/or anxiety as symptoms. Most doctors and Psychiatric professionals do not make this correlation.

As a nurse and after a breast cancer diagnosis in 1999 I went on a raw food diet and still eat that way today. My depression magically lifted. I was so full of energy and my mood was constantly up from the nutritious food I was giving my body as noted at . Eating 2 bananas in a row can often lift a depression, low mood or low energy levels through its effect on serotonin and dopamine.

I would consider protein intake to be the major factor in diet that can alleviate depression and Isay this from personal experience of going from a low protein diet and feeling depressed, to a high protein diet and feeling much better, along with scientific evidence as supplied by Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.

The feel good brain chemicals rely so much on tryptophan, the amino acid found in some protein foods and also the trytophan has to be able to cross the blood brain barrier, so some healthy carbs can assist with that.

So I do believe diet can help with depression, omega 3s I agree and also though and maybe even more important, is a good intake of protein so that your body has the basic building blocks it needs to create the feel good chemicals.

St. John Wort tea is the best for depression. Make sure to buy organic. Omega-3 is also great for depression.

Last year I cured myself of life-long depression & anxiety by going gluten-free. The only time that I've become depressed since I started the GF diet was after I had a food that contained 'natural flavors' which turned out to be MSG (gluten). I'm interested in trying the Krill oil to supplement my diet and I highly encourage everyone to attempt natural and dietary methods to treat depression. Life CAN be good! :)

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