Monday, August 22, 2011

Celiacs and Gluten Intolerance

Wheat should be organic and fermented and used from fresh ground wheat (within twelve hours of grinding). You still may have a problem with it.
 The following is from comments from the linked article:

An earlier article on Dr. M's site titled "If You Can't Beat Depression, This Could be Why" suggests that if we are going to correct our digestive/brain problems we have to start with young children. EXCERPT: "So it actually makes perfect sense to nourish your gut flora for optimal serotonin function as it can have a profound impact on your mood, psychological health, and behavior. "The authors concluded that: " '[T]he presence or absence of conventional intestinal microbiota influences the development of behavior..."
"This conclusion adds support to another recent animal study, which also found that gut bacteria may influence mammalian early brain development and behavior. But that's not all. They also discovered that the absence or presence of gut microorganisms during infancy permanently alters gene expression."
Again, the implications are that messing with the infant's immune system with injected foreign DNA (vaccines), and/or directly killing intestinal flora (by administering antibiotics), affects behaviour later in life. He goes on to say that even if as an adult you begin to use probiotics, this is too late to enable the beneficial brain development that normally happens in the infant stages.
That article references a study "Normal gut microbiota modulates brain development and behavior"  That  study compared the effect of the presence or absence of gut flora in rat pups and adults. Once the animal is an adult, adding probiotics does not make any further difference to their behaviour.
So the effect of gluten reactivity in the young child would also likely influence behaviour and mood for life. This is probably part of the problem with which Dr. Andrew Wakefield was wrestling in his many articles on the gut-brain connection. See the video and Dr. M's comments at "Why Medical Authorities Went to Such Extremes to Silence Dr. Andrew Wakefield" elsewhere on this site.
Citing Dr. Mercola's other articles was to make the point that this is a coherent body of knowledge. Eating wisely and in harmony with nature -- as well as avoiding causing damage by heavy-handed medical interventions not based on this principle -- must begin from the earliest days of life.
People have been eating wheat and grains for centuries. Allergic reactions to wheat and grains have been steadily on the rise in recent decades.
The studies cited here are subjective in trying  to make the point against wheat and grains. Studies trying to equate allergic reactions to these foods are fatally flawed because they do not reference the quality of the food. THEY HAVE NOT established levels of toxins from pesticides, surfactants, fungicides, etc., in the wheat and or other grains eaten by the study subjects.
Yes, it is true that Lectins are very poisonous, but fortunately heating lectins destroys their toxicity. The article states "WGA binds to N-Acetylglucosamine which is believed to function as an atypical neurotransmitter functioning in nocioceptive (pain) pathways” is very interesting. WGA also binds to Sialic acid residues, in fact WGA has an affinity for Glycans (Poly and Oligosaccharides) and other chemical materials. Of potential interest to researchers should be polyglycoside surfactants used as spreader stickers for pesticides sprayed on wheat as well as the pesticides.
Pesticides and other chemicals are most concentrated in wheat gluten and there are over sixteen different hazardous chemical residues found in wheat. Newer systemic pesticides are now being found more frequently in foods than ever before.  Bottom line, commercial wheat and grains are TOXIC. Always buy Organic.
@Tony Gallo: Cadmium is another source of concern in ALL food, plants readily absorb Cadmium from contaminated soils. Commercial fertilizers, especially phosphate fertilizers contain Cadmium and are unacceptable. Leaf litter and top soil are used as an archaeologic record of heavy metal and metalloid contamination particularly from anthropogenic activity like the BURNING OF COAL.
@TonyGallo answer to question below: The fungus Claviceps purpurea has been responsible for many deaths with a theorized relationship to the Salem Witch trials. However, I believe anthropogenic chemicals are probably responsible for the rise in diseases related to wheat and grain as opposed toxins from fungi. Don't forget wheat is also sprayed with fungicides.
@Sayergi's comment below: Lectins are detoxified by the heat from cooking which causes a change in the material. Beans, Almonds, Walnuts, grains and other plants contain lectin and are safe to eat after cooking. Baking chestnuts, cooking almonds and boiling soybeans agglutinates the proteins, including the lectins and with soy washes away the soy trypsin inhibitor rendering it free of digestion inhibitors and lectin activity. However, Soy is not a healthy food.
@Sun99961 Below: Celiacs and organic sourdough bread read the study:

Samsel - your pesticide point is excellent. This connection is rarely addressed.  As far as the wheat studies, feel free to review them directly here   Over the past two years I have gathered several hundred peer-reviewed research on the connection between wheat consumption and over 120 disease categories, with the connection between neurological/psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia most interesting.

Samsel - your pesticide point is excellent. This connection is rarely addressed.  As far as the wheat studies, feel free to review them directly here   Over the past two years I have gathered several hundred peer-reviewed research on the connection between wheat consumption and over 120 disease categories, with the connection between neurological/psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia most interesting.

There's another rather insidious side to what you're saying that is especially true today -- most people have no idea they can be consuming 'hidden' gluten everyday.  Beer, salad dressings, ice cream, battered foods, some processed meats, rice mixes, gravies, icings, soy sauce, soups (even pasta free ones)... the list goes on.
One really has to be educated and vigilant in keeping gluten to a minimum as it's commonly used as a thickener/stabilizer in processed foods and it adds up in the body fast.  I've read that if you put a hundred people with Celiac Disease or even wheat sensitivity in a room, you may not find any two with the exact same reactions, and that is why it's so hard to diagnose and treat. Best thing to do is go on a strict gluten free diet for at least three months and see how you feel!
Suzeaa - excellent information. Yes, celiac disease is mostly asymptomatic and/or expresses itself in "out of intestine" symptoms. Although 30% of the world's population has the genetic locus of susceptibility on chromosome 6 (HLA-DQ2/8), the classical diagnostic definition, e.g. intestinal biopsy and/or alpha-gliadin antibodies, to name but a few tests, makes it seem like wheat only affects a rare percentage. There is really a "celiac iceberg," with the broad submerged base being so massive, that most people have no idea how profoundly the anti-health food affects them.  For more on this read my "Dark Side of Wheat."

Leaky gut is due to gluten...heavy metals come from liver not working they build up...since gluten doesn't let nutrients cells are not made right in the liver or work right. Rancid fats hurt me...make free I am sure fresh ground is better, but gluten may still hurt certain people.

1 comment:

Anthony Samsel said...

You have used my comments from a Mercola article and have not cited me as the author of those comments !

These are all my comments:

People have been eating wheat and grains for centuries. Allergic reactions to wheat and grains have been steadily on the rise in recent decades.
The studies cited here are subjective in trying to make the point against wheat and grains. Studies trying to equate allergic reactions to these foods are fatally flawed because they do not reference the quality of the food. THEY HAVE NOT established levels of toxins from pesticides, surfactants, fungicides, etc., in the wheat and or other grains eaten by the study subjects.
Yes, it is true that Lectins are very poisonous, but fortunately heating lectins destroys their toxicity. The article states "WGA binds to N-Acetylglucosamine which is believed to function as an atypical neurotransmitter functioning in nocioceptive (pain) pathways” is very interesting. WGA also binds to Sialic acid residues, in fact WGA has an affinity for Glycans (Poly and Oligosaccharides) and other chemical materials. Of potential interest to researchers should be polyglycoside surfactants used as spreader stickers for pesticides sprayed on wheat as well as the pesticides.
Pesticides and other chemicals are most concentrated in wheat gluten and there are over sixteen different hazardous chemical residues found in wheat. Newer systemic pesticides are now being found more frequently in foods than ever before. Bottom line, commercial wheat and grains are TOXIC. Always buy Organic.
@Tony Gallo: Cadmium is another source of concern in ALL food, plants readily absorb Cadmium from contaminated soils. Commercial fertilizers, especially phosphate fertilizers contain Cadmium and are unacceptable. Leaf litter and top soil are used as an archaeologic record of heavy metal and metalloid contamination particularly from anthropogenic activity like the BURNING OF COAL.
@TonyGallo answer to question below: The fungus Claviceps purpurea has been responsible for many deaths with a theorized relationship to the Salem Witch trials. However, I believe anthropogenic chemicals are probably responsible for the rise in diseases related to wheat and grain as opposed toxins from fungi. Don't forget wheat is also sprayed with fungicides.
@Sayergi's comment below: Lectins are detoxified by the heat from cooking which causes a change in the material. Beans, Almonds, Walnuts, grains and other plants contain lectin and are safe to eat after cooking. Baking chestnuts, cooking almonds and boiling soybeans agglutinates the proteins, including the lectins and with soy washes away the soy trypsin inhibitor rendering it free of digestion inhibitors and lectin activity. However, Soy is not a healthy food.
@Sun99961 Below: Celiacs and organic sourdough bread read the study:

Anthony Samsel